After debating since Camp NaNoWriMo in July, I finally committed to NaNoWriMo this year. I’m planning my novel now with character descriptions and backstories. I have the rough outline of the scenes. But I have never written fantasy so now I have a world to build which is uncharted territory. From my scenes, I know some of the terrain I need. I’m not sure I want to spend the time drawing a map unless it help me write the scenes. So on one hand, I am planning and on the other I’m pantsing.
The other day, I was having a fibromyalgia flare and couldn’t concentrate enough to write. I rested and daydreamed about my main character going through an important scene. It worked well in finding holes and ideas to research. I am a visual person so I loved the process. When I feel well, I am using templates in Evernote to plan my story.
I am dolphinlady on if you would like to add me as a writing buddy.Photo by mpclemens