Too Much Stuff in Our Lives

Why Oh Why? Why do we acquire too much stuff? The more space you have, the more you will cram it with stuff. If you aren’t familiar George Carlin’s act on stuff, you should. It is spot on. Watch it on YouTube (censored version). It is so easy with all the marketing around us. We make an impulse buy and we either regret it or it gets stashed away and forgotten. Too many clothes, too many pieces of furniture, too many kitchen gadgets, and  too many electronic devices. And I’m not even talking about my fabric and yarn stash. All this stuff […]

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Simple Living Starts Here

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This is the reboot of my blog now I have time to breathe and reflect on life. I have been working to get to this point for several years. Now I want to live a simple life. Just simple living. Simple living is removing all the layers that our lives have accumulated and just keeping the bare necessities that make us happy and complete. Doing so reduces the mental clutter that keeps us anxious and stressed. With all the outside clutter gone, you can see what matters to you, what makes your heart sing, and […]

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Website Move Success

I moved my website successfully. It was the second website move I completed this week but certainly more complicated since I changed URL/domain name to at the same time. I chose to move to another web hosting company when my hosting company was bought out and service went downhill. The new company didn’t even allow email forwarding and that was a number one priority for a client. Their help staff had terrible attitudes so they made it so easy to decide to move. So here I am on A2 Hosting. I am being nice by not naming the […]

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Bucket List

I was watching Pippi Peterson’s YouTube channel ( about her RV life and she talked about a bucket list. I used to have a bucket list but hadn’t thought about it in years. So it gets me thinking I need to look at my old bucket list. It used to be on 43things (a great make-a-list site) but alas that site is gone. Fortunately, I downloaded it. 43Things Bucket List Learn free motion quilting – DONE Remove silver fillings – DONE Knit a sweater – DONE Learn to draw Learn another language Write a book and publish it Not a […]

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Home in the Trees

I’m a homebody for sure. I don’t do well around lots of people especially if it is noisy. If I go out, I prefer a nice quiet coffee shop or cafe to going to a popular hang out. I have big windows in my home with views of woods all around. There is moss covered paths that lead to a pond that is home to fish, salamanders, frogs, and ducks. Occasionally, a coyote or deer will visit. I can hear the birds at the bird feeders and in their nests. Our resident chipmunks will drop their chewed up cones from […]

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Five interesting things about me

I was thinking what five interesting things about myself I could tell you while I was at work. I deliver to grocery stores so I drive a truck with my dog along for the ride. I get up at 1:00 am for this. Everyday is Bring Your Dog to work day. I hate beets. Always have. Can’t stand looking at them. Blech! They are so nutritious but I can’t. I want to retire to Ecuador where it’s warm year round. The cost of living will allow me to live better than in the US. And it will be an adventure. […]

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