I’m writing for CampNaNoWriMo on NaNoWriMo.org. Set goals for writing and editing with me.
Category: Writing
My simple living led to new directions, and I neglected my blog. I still declutter and live a slow, simple life which has allowed some traveling and changes in what I want to do every day. When all the drama flows away and your mind clears, you can hear your inner desires and feel its pull. You can’t ignore it so you explore, little by little. Writing Stories When I was a small child visiting family in Brooklyn, New York, my grandfather took me for walks and told me stories he made up using the people around us as the […]
I committed to doing NaNoWriMo this year and started off well. But my work schedule and limited energy due to my illness (Fibromyalgia) have stressed me out of writing. Everyday, I have been verbally harassing myself for not writing enough so the flow of words have literally left. My muse has had enough and she quit. NaNoWriMo killed my muse. This is clearly a sign of overstepping my limitations. If I want to write, I have to respect my personal abilities to write what I can each day. Writing marathons like NaNoWriMo will not happen. Stress leads to less sleep […]
After debating since Camp NaNoWriMo in July, I finally committed to NaNoWriMo this year. I’m planning my novel now with character descriptions and backstories. I have the rough outline of the scenes. But I have never written fantasy so now I have a world to build which is uncharted territory. From my scenes, I know some of the terrain I need. I’m not sure I want to spend the time drawing a map unless it help me write the scenes. So on one hand, I am planning and on the other I’m pantsing. The other day, I was having a […]
Mary perched on a vacant stool and looked beside her to the man sitting next to her. The place was noisy and busy but Mary couldn’t just sit there quietly. She never could. “Have you been here long”, she said loudly to the man. “Just a few hours”, the man replied. “I just wanted to get away. I always end up here.”, Mary said. Mary continued not aware whether the man was listening or not. Mary was not very socially adapted to notice the nuances of social interaction. “I work two jobs and they take money from my check to […]
I’m spending hours working on the characters for my novel Carousel Ride. The main character is Natalie Noffke. She is a teenager who is awkward in social settings but excels in math and science. Her father is a quantum physicist and her mother is a high school science teacher. She has a younger sister who has no problems with friends or social events and lets her older sister know about it. Olned is transported to this world and Natalie befriends him. Omned convinces Natalie to help him rid his world of two evil men, Sid Severe and Bill Severe. As […]
My First Rejection I received my first rejection today from CricketMedia for my submission for LadyBug. The only comment was it didn’t fit. Kinda like a shoe, I guess. So I created a new label in Gmail called rejections and promptly labeled the rejection and archived it. Another writer told me he framed his first rejection but I would rather have art that is inspirational on my walls. I know if I put my work out there, there will be more rejections. You can’t shut down your writing because one person doesn’t like it because eventually you will find your […]
Camp Nanowrimo I have signed up with the same band of writers for Camp Nanowrimo as last year. I don’t have a really lofty goal this year, just 5000 words. Might up that to get some flash fiction written along with my homeless veteran story. There is another story that keeps bubbling to the surface that involves my curiousity about how relationships with people in your family might change with different roles such as mother – daughter becoming sisters. One set of roles might work just fine with the two personalities but become more trying with different roles. Writing Contest […]