Follow my blog with Bloglovin The next time you clean, grab a box along with your cleaning supplies. You are going to see the benefits of decluttering the next time you clean. Would you rather clean house or go do something you want to do? I’d rather go ride bike or go to the races. Cleaning is dead last on my list of things to do. I like a clean house but I want to spend as little time as possible to keep it that way. Declutter First First, you will streamline future cleaning by decluttering anything you are tired […]
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I don’t use traditional toothpaste with fluoride and preservatives. When I used traditional toothpaste, my dentist was getting rich on my dental bills. Since I started making my own remineralizing and whitening toothpaste, my teeth are healthier. The whitening part is new now that I added activated charcoal to my powder. I tried brushing with just the activated charcoal but that was just a mess. Now it is part of my tooth powder and my teeth are getting whiter. Ingredients: 3 tbsp Calcium Carbonate powder 2 tbsp Bentonite Clay 4 tbsp Baking Soda 2 tbsp […]
Why Oh Why? Why do we acquire too much stuff? The more space you have, the more you will cram it with stuff. If you aren’t familiar George Carlin’s act on stuff, you should. It is spot on. Watch it on YouTube (censored version). It is so easy with all the marketing around us. We make an impulse buy and we either regret it or it gets stashed away and forgotten. Too many clothes, too many pieces of furniture, too many kitchen gadgets, and too many electronic devices. And I’m not even talking about my fabric and yarn stash. All this stuff […]
Follow my blog with Bloglovin This is the reboot of my blog now I have time to breathe and reflect on life. I have been working to get to this point for several years. Now I want to live a simple life. Just simple living. Simple living is removing all the layers that our lives have accumulated and just keeping the bare necessities that make us happy and complete. Doing so reduces the mental clutter that keeps us anxious and stressed. With all the outside clutter gone, you can see what matters to you, what makes your heart sing, and […]
I moved my website successfully. It was the second website move I completed this week but certainly more complicated since I changed URL/domain name to at the same time. I chose to move to another web hosting company when my hosting company was bought out and service went downhill. The new company didn’t even allow email forwarding and that was a number one priority for a client. Their help staff had terrible attitudes so they made it so easy to decide to move. So here I am on A2 Hosting. I am being nice by not naming the […]
I committed to doing NaNoWriMo this year and started off well. But my work schedule and limited energy due to my illness (Fibromyalgia) have stressed me out of writing. Everyday, I have been verbally harassing myself for not writing enough so the flow of words have literally left. My muse has had enough and she quit. NaNoWriMo killed my muse. This is clearly a sign of overstepping my limitations. If I want to write, I have to respect my personal abilities to write what I can each day. Writing marathons like NaNoWriMo will not happen. Stress leads to less sleep […]
The slowest knitter in the world is knitting a sweater with a hoodie. It would be more practical to stick with a scarf but I went all out and started a sweater. To add to the challenge I also learned how to knit Portuguese style. I signed up for a class with Andrea Wong on to learn this new technique. It requires the use of a knitting pin [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=B011Q19ANY] that you put on your shoulder but I use a a Riktig clip from IKEA. I will buy a custom one like this [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=B0190I33IS] since I prefer knitting […]
After debating since Camp NaNoWriMo in July, I finally committed to NaNoWriMo this year. I’m planning my novel now with character descriptions and backstories. I have the rough outline of the scenes. But I have never written fantasy so now I have a world to build which is uncharted territory. From my scenes, I know some of the terrain I need. I’m not sure I want to spend the time drawing a map unless it help me write the scenes. So on one hand, I am planning and on the other I’m pantsing. The other day, I was having a […]